5 Podcast Episodes About Getting Out The 2022 Black Vote Presented by Queue Points Podcast
Getting out the vote is incredibly important as it's one of the ways to make our voice heard in democracy.
Civic participation is a key component to the function of our democratic system here in the United States. Lately, we have seen attempts to limit civic participation within certain groups, such as the Black community, through voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc, and/or people have become discouraged by the political process and outcomes over the last 2 decades. All of these factors and more have led to polarization and low voter turn outs, especially during mid-term and local elections.
It is our position to support those who work tirelessly to protect voter’s voices and allow them to exercise their right to be educated, vote, and be counted.
With Election Day tomorrow, The Queue Points podcast, hosted by BPA members Jay Ray, and DJ Sir Daniel compiled a short list to help educate us all about getting out the Black Vote for 2022.
Check out these unique podcast episodes that offer news, information and unique perspectives about the Black Vote in 2022.
If you have any recommendations or suggestions to add to this list, please feel free to send Queue Points a tweet or message via their website at: https://queuepoints.com/