Shine bright like a diamond 💎 it’s Feature Friday ✨
“A role like mine is important to the podcast space because the industry has been dominated by white males. We are black females establishing our place in this space. We are sharing our perspectives and experiences, and that is unique.”
Agreed, It is important for our community to plant our flags in the podcasting landscape. Make our presence known and hear us roar 🦁. Okay maybe I got a little carried a way, but no really…I agree as Shannon Chatmon is doing establishing our place in podcasting is a must. How’s she doing that…well with her shows Blacktivities Pod and U Talk, I’ll Listen.
Blacktivities is the cookout conversation with your crazy cousins, and one of them is giving Carter G. Woodson vibes. Humorous and insightful conversations celebrating all things black - black culture, black history, black perspectives, and black panache. Shannon and Lisa connect the black history we never learned in a digestible, fun way to our everyday lives today as black Americans.
So basically this podcast is blackity blackity black black ya’ll ✊🏾…that’s one of my most fav phrases to say by the way.
Podcasting…it’s in all of us…whether we expect it or not…Shannon is a teacher. One of 15 years to be exact and she didn’t expect to be in this space.
I didn’t want to. I felt called into it and fell in love with it, but I initially resisted it because I’ve been quiet and shy my whole life. I always played the background.
Ahhh….the love of podcasting, that’s something that is very necessary because it can be tough. But inspiration can come at a time when you least expect it. Shannon had the idea to start her first podcast during the pandemic when tensions were at a high due to social justice, political, and masking issues. She wanted to show how we could overcome our differences by just listening to others’ stories. Though she had doubts about her ability to pull it off. she shared her idea with her husband, she came home one day, and he had ordered everything needed to get started. so, she had no choice but to follow through! And shout out to the hubby for putting an action behind his encouragement and here we are 2 and a half years later with quality podcasting!
But the journey wasn’t without some lessons…
“You have to put as much effort into marketing as you do into creating. Sound quality is everything! You don’t have to take out everything when editing. Sometimes an “um…” has a purpose; sometimes that mess up shows your personality.”
So no matter how you got into podcasting, what I take from Shannon, is go for it even if you have doubt. Our voices matter, create but also market and finally give yourself some grace when it comes to editing. Find your voice and pour into that because…
People will listen because of you. They respond to your authenticity.
So until next week…do you boo!
Hey until next week…did you know it’s national Hammock day…so remember to relaaax.
☮️ ✌🏾-Adell
If you’re loving my features….give your girl a share and a shout out on IG @iamadellcoleman and Twitter @iamadellcoleman too!
Psst…by the way if you’re interested in being my next feature Firday🙏🏾 fill out this form …by the way…it could also mean an additional feature on my other newsletter Your Podcast Playlist as well!
Oh and a little about me…this is the hard part, talking about myself!
I’m Adell Coleman Chief Operations Officer of DCP Entertainment. I’m a multi-award winning podcast creator, producer, and host. I host and EP the podcast Say Their Name. I like talking so you may have seen me around at a few conferences!
One of my favorite things to do is to amplify and uplift those BIPOC and marginalized creatives who aren’t just hosts but are doing many different things in the podcast space.
At DCP, we distribute podcasts that share stories, podcasts, interviews, and insights by and for underrepresented voices. Feel free to check us out!
Check out our website, IG, and Twitter @dcpofficial to learn more!
Feel free to follow me on IG @sky_kiss3d and Twitter @skykissed too! It’s just me sharing, my fav podcasts, my adventures, my husband, and a little of our two daughters we lovingly call CoCoBean.
Chat soon!
Adell C