Feature Friday: Len Webb and Vincent Williams
Highlighting Our People in Podcasting!

🎵 It's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend🎶 …but first…Feature Friday!!
“"Be on time, be consistent, and be true to self."
I’m baaaack and here to shout out some pretty cool guys who seem to have each other’s back…(see what I did there?!😄) in this podcasting space. Len Webb and Vincent Williams as they work together to create some pretty dope content. ✨
What dope content you may ask? They’re the hosts of the new limited-run series The Class of 1989 The show’s name is inspired by the Black film renaissance of 1989 – a year of contradiction, controversy, and ultimate triumph for Black cinema – and the six films that moved the industry for Black creatives and the culture for Black America.
And check out the show art (ya’ll know I love me some good show art💕) see if you see any recognizable figures.
I’ll give you a hint: 🎵"fair Eastside, by thy side we'll stand and always praise thy name praise thy name praise thy naaame”🎶
Okay lemme stop before Mr. Clark come’s and get’s me! 📢
But beyond the show art Len and Vincent strive to be highlight Black arts and creatives, the goal:
To revisit the impact of these movies and their creators so as to continue the conversation about these essential works of art.
Listenn…I believe you gotta know where you’ve been in order to know where you’re going ✊🏾 and highlighting the past of black cinema is an important yet powerful way to ensure and appreciate current black film and what’s yet to come. Besides, the nostalgia is everything ✨
Ahh speaking of nostalgia …where it all began… Len and Vincent have been in podcasting together since 2016. But Len started podcasting in 2007 technically with the online radio program The REC Radio Show and The Pleazure Principle. He later created Black Tribbles an award-winning podcast dedicated to the Black POV on geek culture. In addition to the Class of 1989, The Micheaux Mission is Vincent’s first foray into podcasting.
Needless to say, we both see podcasting as a place to find community.
Community, it’s something we hear quite often and it seems something that has served them well as they produce both podcasts. So what’s The Micheaux Mission (pronounced Mee show, yup I got you 💪🏾 ) it’s a podcast that honors the legacy of Oscar Micheaux – regarded as the first major Black feature filmmaker in the early 20th century – by watching and reviewing every Black feature film ever released to theaters. Whew talk about dedication😅… with more than 300 episodes, the Micheaux Mission covers it all: from Pam Grier's Coffy to Wesley Snipes’ Blade and beyond.
So, if you’re looking for a place to check out some awesome Black cinema and insight then Len and Vincent are your guys! I love that their podcasts are a constant reminder of how Black cinema and culture is influential to the world! It’s about the impact and recognition something they’re striving to make and see within the podcast industry.
I hope the industry remembers that the regular citizens built this, and the awards can spread more evenly.
Well said….regular citizens being relatable thats a big part of podcasting.
Also, it goes without saying Len and Vincent have found their voices, and their space in collaboration to make good content!
So like them, don’t be afraid to look to your neighbor…and say:
“Neighbor wanna make a podcast?”
I mean….Team work DOES makes the dream work ….If the vibe fits of course…😉
Until next Friday…time to bounce…."To infinity and beyond"🚀
Thanks for reading consistently…ya girl had to take a mental break last week…so be reminded if you need a break take one. We all deserve it! ❤️
Psst…by the way if you’re interested in being my next Feature Friday fill out this form …by the way…it could also mean an additional feature on my other newsletter Your Podcast Playlist as well! If you run into an issues email me coleman@dcpentertainment.com
Feel free to follow me on IG @sky_kiss3d and Twitter @skykissed too!
Oh and if you’ve been a regular reader….I got a new headshot ya’ll! I think for this I found a winner, thanks for joining me on this journey! 💕
Oh and a little about me…this is the hard part, talking about myself!
I’m Adell Coleman Chief Operations Officer of DCP Entertainment. I’m a multi-award winning podcast creator, producer, and host. I host and EP the podcast Say Their Name. I like talking so you may have seen me around at a few conferences!
One of my favorite things to do is to amplify and uplift those BIPOC and marginalized creatives who aren’t just hosts but are doing many different things in the podcast space.
At DCP, we distribute podcasts that share stories, podcasts, interviews, and insights by and for underrepresented voices. Feel free to check us out!
Check out our website dcpofficial.com, IG, and Twitter @dcpofficial to learn more!
Feel free to follow me on IG @skykiss3d and Twitter @skykissed too! It’s just me sharing, my fav podcasts, my adventures, my husband, and a little of our two daughters we lovingly call CoCoBean.
Chat soon!
Adell C