BPA Learn: Podcast Planning 101: Organizing Your Episodes Effectively
Unlocking the Potential of Your Podcast Through Strategic Planning
We’ve almost made it through the first month of 2024, and maybe (if you’re like me) you’re ready to take your podcast off the backburner and start putting out some episodes again. A little bit of planning can go a long way in making our podcast journey smoother and more fun. So, let's break it down into simple, doable steps.
Who Are You Talking To?
Find Your Tribe: First things first, who are your listeners? Understanding your audience is like having a heart-to-heart with a good friend. It helps you create content that they'll love and connect with. Have your listeners changed at all since you started your show? It may be time to reevaluate who your target is.
Themes Are Your BFF: Think of themes as your podcast's best friends. They keep your content focused and your audience hooked. Whether it's "Motivation Mondays" or a month-long series on a specific topic, themes keep things interesting.
Making Your Episodes Shine
Map It Out: I'm all about scribbles and sticky notes. Map out what each episode should cover – main points, any cool anecdotes, and don't forget about guest details if you have them. This podcast planner is a great resource to get (and stay) organized.
Recording Rituals: Find a rhythm that works for you. Whether it's every Tuesday night after the kids are in bed or a Sunday morning ritual, having a set time helps keep you on track.
The "Oops, Life Happened" Episodes: Always good to have a couple of episodes in your back pocket for those days when life throws you a curveball.
Tech Stuff and Getting the Word Out
Sound Matters: You don't need a fancy studio, but a decent mic can make you sound like a pro. Trust me, your listeners will appreciate it.
Shout It From the Rooftops: Use your social media, network with other podcasters, and hey, why not try some quirky promotional tactics (like submitting your content here)? Whatever gets the word out.
Talk to Your People: Getting feedback from your listeners is like gold. It helps you tweak and improve. Plus, it's always nice to hear from people who enjoy what you do.
Remember, the key to a successful podcast lies in its planning. Organize your content, understand your audience, maintain a consistent schedule, and always be open to adapting and evolving.
This article is brought to you by Boundless Audio Podcast Network in collaboration with the Black Podcaster's Association. Let's create, connect, and change the world, one podcast at a time. Learn more about the Boundless Audio Podcast Network and be a part of a movement that seeks to amplify the voices of women, especially those from marginalized communities. Together, we can reshape the podcasting landscape.